Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to strengthen and lengthen nails after artificial nail removal?

Hello Y! community I have recently removed artificial nails that were on for less than 3 weeks. All through out my high school years (8 yrs ago) I had acrylic nails and for some reason wanted them again, although I ultimately decided all natural works best.

I am wondering how I can regain nail strength and potentially lengthen my nails. I don't want them long but to at least reach the tips of my finger's instead of having these shorter than short nails that show the fleshy skin that is typically underneath a nail.

I have tried Sally Hanson products but to no avail, it has been approximately 2.5 months now and my nails are still soft and short.

Are there any all natural suggestions or even a few products that aid in nail strengthening.

All answers are greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance.How to strengthen and lengthen nails after artificial nail removal?
What I think you should do, is either buy (or if you have) some clear nail strengthener. It takes a couple times and as far as growing out your nails again, that just takes some time. Try not to pick around your nails or your actual nail and it will grow back faster than having to constantly cut them.How to strengthen and lengthen nails after artificial nail removal?

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