Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is it true that artificial nails are bad for your own natural nails? If so how are they bad?

**Tips stuck onto your own nails can do damage because the glue can break down nail cells.

**Acrylic nails do a lot of damage, they are full of chemical, are thick and are too heavy for your natural nails to withstand

Many people simlply pull off their overlays or artificial nails which are stupid on their behalf and this is why damage is caused, because they pull off layers of skin (nail). When we removed nails we use a mixture of accentone and moisturisers, the nails then simply lifts off, NO damage done.

**Gel nails -- Bio Sculpture Gel are the only pure gel nails, without any acrylic in them.

Bio Gel does NO damage whatsoever to your natural nails- a few thin layers of gel are applied and each layer is set under an ultra violet (UV) light. If you want the gel removed we apply a gel remover soloution and the gel simply pushes straight off the nail.

-Bio Gel is highly recommended, it comes in over 70 different colours and we can apply many different forms of nail art for a vibrant finish or you can simply have a French natural look gel finish. (At the moment I have bright yellow gel on my nails and I get so may comments about them )

When gel is applied over your own natural nails (overlays) they help your natural nails to grow and they keep your nails strong, plus you have a beautiful finish for up to 4 weeks before needing refills.

**Sorry for going on but I just hate it when uneducated people try and answer questions like thisIs it true that artificial nails are bad for your own natural nails? If so how are they bad?
THEY DONT ALLOW YOUR NAILS TO BREATHE AND THEY MAKE THEM THINNERIs it true that artificial nails are bad for your own natural nails? If so how are they bad?
they say artificial nails are bad for your nails cause you dont let your nails breathe, but I always get my nails done, and Ive never had a problem. as long as you let your nails breathe every couple of weeks after having them done, you should be ok. the fake nails are hard on your nails, cause they use nail glue to glue them on, and when you pop one off or one comes off they make your nails very brittle. if you have nice nails I would just get manicures and have a french manicure done over them, I get mine done cause there always breaking on me.
Once you take off the fake nails it rips of the first layer of your natural nails
They do thin out your real nails and I mean they make them like paper thin also hampers the air flow which is not the best for your cuticles but I think if you are going to stick with fake nails they are awesome and it is worth it to have your real nail feel weird for a day or 2 to have awesome nails for a month you know what I mean?
the longer you use artificial nails, the mushier your real nails will become.
No, they are not because they actually help them. They help them by making them grow. Even though they make your nails soft when you take them off they are still good for them.
yeah it is very. My mom's freind like wore them for years and her nails are now growing back and also right when you take them off your nails are kinds ruined.
I'm not familiar with the drug store kind,but i use to go to a nail salon all the time and get them put on and filled in....first they are quite a hassle to keep up,and you can run into some $$.they are very damaging to your nails,if you just had them put on for an event like a wedding or prom,them removed them it'd be OK-tell them not to use an electronic file,and soak in acetone to remove,as for long term like i did - they basically suffocate your nails,so they get unhealthy. the salon techs normally use an abrasive electronic file which makes your nails thin and brittle. after i removed them,i had to keep them oober short because they were sensitive and broke off,it took about 4 months for them to grow back out healthy (for the damage to grow off) it seems nice,because they have the perfect look and the polish lasts a long time,but i wouldn't recommend it unless you want to keep it up long term.
yes, just don't get them done as much, give your real nails breathing time
Nail fungus is made up of tiny organisms (Tinea Unguium) that can infect fingernails and toenails. The nails of our fingers and toes are very effective barriers. This barrier makes it quite difficult for a superficial infection to invade the nail. Once an infection has set up residence however, the same barrier that was so effective in protecting us against infection now works against us, making it difficult to treat the infection.

More than 35 million people in the United States get this fungus. The fungus lives underneath the nail. The nail provides a safe place for the fungus and protects it while it grows, since fungus like dark and damp places. This is why it鈥檚 hard to reach and stop nail fungus.

Nail polish and plastic or acrylic nails can trap moisture and fungi. Most often, nail fungus appears in the toenails because socks and shoes keep the toenails dark, warm, and moist. The toenails are 6 to 7 times more likely to be infected than fingernails. Fungi often cause the area around the base (and the sides) of the nail to become red and irritated. At first, the edges or base of the nail is affected. As it spreads, the nail and nail bed show changes. There is often mild discomfort, itchiness, or even pain around the cuticles (flesh surrounding the nails). Bleeding or detachment of the cuticles may occur. The nail can become discolored-yellow-green, dark yellow-brown, and sometimes white spots are seen. The nails thicken and develop abnormal grooves, lines, and tiny punched out holes.

Yes, it can be contagious. The organisms can sometimes spread from one person to another because these critters can live where the air is often moist and people鈥檚 feet are bare. This can happen in places like shower stalls, bathrooms, or locker rooms or it can be passed around on a nail file or emery board. So, don鈥檛 share them. Nail fungus may also spread from one of your nails to other nails.
Unfortunately....its the harsh and cheap chemical they use, the way they file several layers off before putting those chemicals on , the unsanitary tools they use, that have been known to cause infections like fungus es and other bacterial infections in which you could loose you nails. then if that was not enough your nails cannot breath underneath and may turn a different color and get substantially thinner. So um yeah these nails are bad fr you all the way around.

Also, I would like to mention that the chemical they use are toxic not only for your nails but also for your lungs, kidneys, liver and have been banned from the US although some nail places use them because they are relatively cheap.
They really dry your nails out making them very weak and prone to flake / peel.

They file out all ridges on your nails, which most people do occasionaly anyway. They then coat you nails in some kind of primer to dry out your nails of all their natural oils so the artificial nail will stock longer.

I would just grow your own nails.

Once you have had artificial nails, they look awful when you eventually take them off and they will take an age to grow strong.
Yes, artificial nails are bad for your natural nails. However, if you only use them for a short amount of time, then you'll be ok. The reason they are harmful is because all the glue and acrylic blocks off the oxygen to your nail, every part of your body does in fact need oxygen. When the nail loses access to oxygen, it begins to die. Eventually, your nails will become flaky and extremely soft. So if you only use them every now and again, you'll be just fine! And believe me, it takes weeks, sometimes months, to get your nails back to being healthy.
Yes they are harming your natural nails. The acrylics are thinning your natural nails and you are not getting the nutrients into your own nails. They become thin and brittle.

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