Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is there a glue that can be applied directly to skin for the purpose of attaching artificial toe nails?

I have had my big toe nails permanently removed. Every summer it is a delimma trying to get artificial nails to stay on. I have tried super glues and the glue that comes with artificail nails but it makes my hair fall out. I need something non toxic for skin. Can anyone help?Is there a glue that can be applied directly to skin for the purpose of attaching artificial toe nails?
Ask your doctor--he would probably be able to advise you..Is there a glue that can be applied directly to skin for the purpose of attaching artificial toe nails?
* There was a glue that was being developed from the stuff that barnacles use to stick to surfaces under water. I don't know if it ever came to fruition, but it's worth some research.

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